Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Guess what!
I hope he had a wonderfull birthday.
He's seven!
I'm not even seven yet!
Hey, todays is Camerons birthday is,
tomorrow is Mrs. Nunlie's,
and Friday is Dr. Seuss's!
Happy Birthday!

I can't wait to be seven!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Our Consert

Today we saw a consert.
We saw it at the Little Therter.
It was the boringest thing I've ever seen.
Well a little fun?!
Steven Fite was up.
We took a bus.
Why do we alway s have to take a bus?
It was a feild trip.
It was 10:45 to 1:40.
I liked it when he was scared of the monky.
He's a Wild Guy!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

When I'm 40

When I'm 40 I'd make my dator write a dum & stupid arirticle.
When I'm 40 I'd make my doter go to sleep 6:00.
When I'm 40 I'd make my dad & mom go wild.
When I'm 40 me, Delany, Alexandria and Bethany would still be friends.
When I'm 40 me and Alli would be an scientist.
And most of all...
I'm still my Mom's & Dad's kid.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Today I wached Cinderella.
Clif was the herald.
Clif was funny
He took of socks and sprayed outer.
A man came wearing a wig and took off his wig.
Cinderella was funny.
My ticket number was K13.
It was funny when the step sisters said
"What is wrog with the man?"
We had to wait 2 hours,
but we ate food while we waitid.
Did you go to Cinderella?

Friday, February 23, 2007

My Articles & Blog

Hi! I write articles everyday.
I have a blog with over 200 (237) articles!
I need 138 more articles to 365 (1 year).
I don't like writing article.
My very first article was
My Brocken Arm.
I wrote Snowbear.
I sometimes like writing articles.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dad Always Plays Peiano

My dad loves plaing peiano.
He only plays Frisbie Fliers.
He plays peanio so much
because he wants to play the songs on his i-pod.
I think his playing is butifull.
He said he rather play gutiar
because all his favorite songs have gutiar.
He play peanio because I play.
He likes playing peaino.
He LOVES music.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Bewere of the Bears (Re-write)

Bewere of the Bears is a book.
The book is about the part after Goldie locks and the three bears.
The wolf learned not to leave the door unlock when leaving the house.
The bears learned not to mess up a house.

p.s. they messed up the big bad wolf's house.

The bears said "Let's see how Goldie locks likes uninvited gests."
But Goldie locks laphed. She did not get mad.
The bears said "Aren't you mad of what we've done?"
And Goldie locks said "This isn't my house."

I liked the part when the big bad wolf came back in his house
and had his mouth wide open.

And a little bunny said "Beware of the Big Bad Wolf!"

Monday, February 19, 2007

Bewere of the Bears

Bewere of the bears is a book.
Its the part after Goldie locks and the three bears.
I learned that with the wolf.
He learned that to not unlock the door when you leave the house.
THE BEARS to not mess up a house.
P.S. he messed up the big bad wolf's house.
I liked it when the wolf was in the house and like this.
one page said
"Lets see how she likes un invited gests."
And another was like she laphed and the bears said
"aren't you mad of what we've done?"
This isn't my house.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Chicago is the BIGGEST city in Illinois.
It is close to one of the big lakes.
I have a dad that goes to Chicago.
If I'd go to Chicago there'd be polination, buss, taxis and cars.
It probly have lots and lots of BIG and BLACK clouds.
The people would take the things they ushuly take.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year.
It's the year of the pig.
This is how you write one, two, three, four, six, eight,
eleven, twelve, thirdteen, fourteen, six-teen, and eighteen.
I got invited to Mrs. Moran's class.
I met Shain.
She's from Taiwan.
I conted from 1 to 50 in Chinese.
I made a dragon.
I used it for the parade.
I'll tell you a folk tale.

A long time ago
there were a ghost.
They ate people, and someone said
"We need a way to protect ourselfs"
So they have red baners
So the red scared the ghost.
And they leave them all year.
I can't wait until next week.
I'm going to study Chinese.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

If I Had A Pet

If I'd have a pet it be a dog.
I'd play and play and play and play and play!
We'd play cacth frizbee and tag.
Then we'd go in and I'd read a bed time story and we'd go to bed.
It'd be a boy.
Its name would be sports.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Today At School

Hapy Valentines Day!
Today at school Kenney broke his leg.
I feel sorry about Kenney.
At the Valentine party we played bingo.
I thougt when we had a bingo we'd say CUPID!
because cupid was in the middle.
To bad Alli, Camron, and Evan wasn't here.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

100 Days

Today is The 100th Day of School!
I brang wafers at work staitions.
People edmired my waffers and
I let them have some.
Abby huged me like this.
(picture will be posed later.)
I gave them two!
We did a one hundred day book!
I wrote my name one hundrerd times!
In writing we wrote what would be 100 years in the future.
I wrote more polination, Feild trip evry day.
After library lesson there were snacks from the class.
There were M & Ms, fruit snacks, pretzils, Life savers,
waffers, chocolate chips, fruit loops, crakers and
candy cane with chocolate!
I made a cerial neckalace made out of fruit loops.
Lucie said she had a funarul with her craker.
She put it on, her wire it, broke in half and
she had to eat it! That's funny.

Anyways, B dddddddddddd Bye!
See ya later! Bye!

This is our 100 day song.
100 days of school,
100 days of school,
We've all been together 100 days of school...

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Today I went fishing.
I went fishing in a peano book, Egept,
space, pool, pot of dirt, pasta, and a road.
My fish was always pink.
Well its inportaint if you make a fishing pole
you test it before you sell it.
And don't forget to put a worm on your hook.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Birthday Time

Gess who's birthday is today?
Shes ##!
I stayed up and made two birthday cards.
Mom loved it!
I did moms job - I made breakfaeast!
I'm going to make something special for her.
I thank her for evry thing she did for me.


Friday, February 09, 2007

Norah Jones

Do you know Norah Jones?
I Do!
She wrote

Sinkin Soon,
Shoot the Moon,
One Flight Down,
The Long Day is Over,
Sunrise, and
Thinking About You,

and more.
Dad has Norah Jones songs on his i-pod!
My favrite one is propbly Shoot the Moon

What is your favrite?

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Fun Jokes

Why did the elaphant cross the road?
Cause it was chicken's day off!

Whats a snakes favrite subject to study at school?

Why do seaguls fly over the sea and not the bay?
If they would then they would be called baygul!

Where are most pencials?

Wy'd the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side!

(Please gess first)

What animal always gos to bed with its shoose on?
A horse.

What fish sleeps at night?
A star fish!

Well thats all!


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My Valentine

I made a Valentine for my family.
Its going to have forty-nine Hearts!
My family acts like they don't like it.
But I like it because I put red lace over the pink paper heart.
I also like the Fabrick heart.
I made it at story time (Library Center) yesterday.
I gess I'll see you on the 14th (Valentine's day).

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Today at School

Today we had an Early Relese.
We did that becuase the teachers had to learn more.
I dismised at 1:30.
We had a math test.
It was fun.
My teacher on the math test was Mrs. Nunlie!
Bringgg! Wich now I am writing my straberry arikle.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Today at School

This morning at school we had a sub.
Her name is Mrs. Parker.
She was a great subsitoot.
She can read.
She was here for the rest of the morning.
We learned about bar graphs today.
I learned if we were to pick a random kid out of Mrs. Nicols class
the letters in their name must have six.
We read What Are You So Grumpy About.
That very front page the little birdy said
"If your grumpy to long a little birdy will come and sit on your lip!"
It says I had to pick up your room?
It was funny and that is all.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Super Bowl

Hi! The Indianapplles Colts are wining.
I'm mad, and I mean it.
I want Chicago Bears.
Lots of pepole vote for Colts
but I don't.
They are mean
Espesialy Adam, Kenny and I don't know the other one.
Oh! It was Clayton.
I like super bowls
but I don't like it when my chose dose not win!
Did your chose win?

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Ground Hog Day

Yesterday Puxatuny Phil didn't see his shadow.
I am so happy.
Now the power won't go off again.
It won't be that cold.
Last year there were six more weeks of winter.
Puxatuny Phil said "Expexting an early spring!"
He is cute.
Ground hog day is like a gessing game.
If the ground hog sees his/her shadow.
See you next year!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

My Vote

What's your vote?

Indianapplis Colts V.S. Chicago Bears.
I want the Chicago Bear.
But I think Indianapplis Colts will win the Supper Bowl.
My Dad wants the Colts to win but I think oppisite.

Pepole at school tesse what Tyler said is
"Colts, Colts, Colts, Colts always win Bears stink."
Sometimes I get so mad I don't want to hear Colts again.
Colts or Bears? Bye!

Oops the Supper Bowl is Sunday Feb. 4th, 2007.