Monday, March 17, 2008

Made Up Jokes

by: Isabel and Ethan

J1: What docter hurts you the most?
A1: Dr. B. N. Payne.

J2: Why did the T-rex cross the road?
A2: To get to the people.

J3: Why did the crocodile cross the lake?
A3: To get to the cat tails!

J4: Why did the mouse chase the cat?
A4: It was oppisite day!

J5: Why did the bear cross the road?
A5: He saw some bees!

J6: Why did the popsicle go to the hospital?
A6: He was melting.

J7: What do you get when you have a snake with ten feet?
A7: Nothing. Snakes don't have feet!


  1. Hi Isabel and Ethan-the jokes are very funny. What a great way to start the day with few laughs! Love, Uncle Tony

    PS-I'm still looking for the answer to the riddle.

  2. Uncle Tony,

    How did you lose the answer?


  3. Well, I had read the jokes somewhere and thought you and Ethan would enjoy them. I posted the jokes to you but can't remember now where I had read the jokes. I should have written the answers down...oh well

    Love, Uncle Tony
